We want to be holy as He is holy. In this study, you will have an opportunity to look at your sinfulness. "Opportunity" may not seem like the right word, but in reality we too often ignore the symptoms of sin in our lives and we don't take the time, nor have the focus needed, to look inward to the root of our sin and deal with it. During this intense and concentrated time of study, however, you will continually be asking the Lord to reveal to you what is deep and hidden within your heart, so that you can be cleansed of sin and filled instead by the Spirit with the righteousness of Christ. We want your heart to reflect the holiness and righteousness of our God Most High, but you have to be willing to do the hard work to see your sin from His perspective. This study will definitely take you through that process as you ask the Lord to completely transform your heart.

We pray you will be blessed through this deeper study of God's Word!

Laurie Aker & Thistlebend Ministries

Introductory Lesson

Lesson 1: Planted by Streams of Water

Lesson 2: Preparing to Ask God to Search Your Heart

Lesson 3: I Bow My Knees Before the Father

Lesson 4: Ask the Father in My Name

Lesson 5: A Holy Fast: Fasting to Feast

Lesson 6: Repentance: a Posture of Humility

Lesson 7: A Victory Garden: Planting Righteousness

Lesson 8: A Fruitful Harvest: Ongoing Weeding and Planting In the Power of the Spirit!

Lesson 9: Tenderly Tending: Speaking the Truth in Love With the Love of Christ!

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